Praise for Achieving High Performance Friendship 

Loved this book! It is the best book I’ve read on male relationships. It’s about changing ourselves and influencing others by nature of that change. I took all the training in the early days of Promise Keepers in order to be a trainer for Honorbound which is the men’s ministries of the denomination I serve. I’ve got all the books, and then some. And this book is incredible stuff! I detest the thought of relating any quote by Jack Nicholson in life or a film as an application to my own soul. But his quote in “As Good as it Gets,” says it all for me. I paraphrase, “This book ‘makes me want to be a better man.”
Dr. Mike Johnson, Assembly of God pastor

The book provides a compelling and thoughtful outline for improving men’s relationships with one another. I really enjoy how the book (literally) emerges from a dialogue between the authors.  There is also a distinctively open, even confessional quality in the book that is very genuine and poignant.  Both authors openly share from their own foibles and difficult experiences. I also appreciate how the book mixes the paradigmatic qualities of Christlike friendship with the cautionary tales provided by the lives of less salutary characters (you specifically mention Saddam Hussein and Bernie Madoff, while paying sustained attention to Judas).   Lastly, the discussion questions make this book very useful for men’s groups in churches.  Bravo! 
Dr. Dr. John Bartkowski, Professor of Sociology, Specializing in Faith-Based Organizations, University of Texas at San Antonio

I was so blessed and challenged by every page of this book. The two high performance friends and authors have done an incredible job expressing principles of friendship in a sensitive, compassionate, straight-forward, transparent and effective way. They have done a great job of infusing Scriptural truth with practical application and experience to make the subject of the book come alive. It is a must read for every man desiring to build friendships to a high performance level. I know I have been challenged to be a better friend.

This is an incredible and critically important book at a critical time.
Dr. Bill Faulkner, Southern Baptist Association Missions Executive

This is a book of respect…how to respect yourself and how to respect your friends.  Men will read a chapter and then be motivated to join a small group to discuss the book.  I can see this book being a great help to college and university students—who in many cases do not have any significant friendships.  Thanks for your fine work.
Chuck Schwaninger, Campus Crusade for Christ staff member

A powerful book. The stories the authors share in each chapter of their personal experiences make the book come alive. I could relate to many of them myself. It is a book that will change the lives of those who read it. We men need to hear this message. 
Reuel Nygaard, Author and speaker

A must read for men especially young ones. The sooner men realize the importance of developing deep friendships the better and longer they will be served by them! The authors do a great job of building the reasons why men of all ages need good friendships. I couldn't help but feel convicted myself while reading and I don't particularly feel that I lack Biblical friendships. 
Mike Hancock, Family Pastor

I love the way stories are used in this book, especially the way they go back and forth between the authors to make compelling points about friendship. Communicating by stories is powerful and is the way so many of us, including me, are wired to learn. I especially liked the Intimacy chapter. It is important talk about the sexual areas of our lives (men get that confused with intimacy) and I loved how the authors told the story about how they each had unwanted advances from other males.  This is such a difficult area for guys to talk about and your honesty will give them freedom to share their own stories. 
Kevin Sharpe, Converge (General Conference Baptist) Lead Pastor  

I am so moved by all of this book. One specific story in particular reminds me of a time in 1971 when my father was at home dying of cancer.  We didn't face 'dying' quite like we often do these days so he lay in bed watching TV without a way to share his utmost fear.  Only during his last month on earth did I hear him behind closed doors cry out to my mother in anguish “Im not afraid to die - Yes I AM Afraid to die.” I will never forget those words. I remember that his BEST friend NEVER came to see him during his illness....not one time.  Men do need to learn how to be better friends.
Gaydee Gardner, Business owner

This book is excellent and such a blessing. We used it in a men’s group and were amazed at how the principles in the book are so true within various levels among us.
Marvin Harms, Educator and Church Board Chairman 

This book will make men stronger with each other and with Christ. Churches will be better because better men are in the church because of the book. The church will not know what to do with so many good men. The book can serve as a mentor for men. The book underlines the need for sociology so the church understands men in its culture.
Dr. Dale Sharp, Evangelical Free pastor

A timely and well written book.  I found the “teach by personal experience “ style very credible and easy to read and understand. The conversational narrative draws one” in “to feel a part what is going on. The topics were well chosen and what man would not want to be more Christlike.
Gary Buckmiller, Retired Business Executive and Seminary Board Member

This is a wonderful book and very well done on an unusual and difficult topic. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The authors are spot on the men do not make very many friendships. It is very interesting how the authors related the attributes/characteristics of a high performance friendship to Christ like characteristics from the Gospel and Proverbs. Even as someone who doesn’t read the Bible regularly the Bible references were compelling. Reading the book has made me more thoughtful of my relationships with others. My last general observation is that the entire book on how to achieve high performance friendship is applicable and can easily be used and enjoyed by non-Christians.  They may enjoy the fact that these attributes are the same as the Christian's Jesus Christ, but they could work to achieve them and value them just as much if not more than Christians.
Ron Lappi, Retired City Financial Director

GREAT stuff. I will use it as a very valuable tool in coaching, mentoring and discipleship.  I was personally challenged and blessed by the read.  Loved the format.  The strength of the content came from the anecdotal experiences shared.  Great application.  I appreciated, as well, the great way the authors used Jesus as a role model both from his life style . . the observations on how he treated his friends . . and the content of his teaching.  It all seemed to "fit" together. 
Sam Owen, Veteran Missionary 
The statement in the introduction, “It is sad that most men live activity-driven lives where urgency drives out importance” really touched me. So true.
Duane Ehler, Mortgage Business Executive